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Monday, 16 August 2010

Tour at 17:00

This tour was just amazing. The weather could not be better. The sea was like mirror, the sun was shining and hardly any wind. We sailed out to the same area we spotted all the whales earlier today, and the whales were still there feeding. Many, many Minke whales and also lots of Harbour porpoises were surfacing all around us, surface feeding again and again. We saw the sand eels and even the krill close to the surface. No words can describe this tour. We turned off the engine and the whales were all around us, and very close. Just Fabulous tour witch will stay in the memory of the passengers a long time;)


Tour at 13:00

The weather was still very nice when we headed back out to Faxaflói bay searching for whales. We sailed straight out to the good area where we spotted whales earlier this morning. But there were not so many feeding birds but the Minke whales were still there and some Harbour porpoises. We stayed in this area fore some time, enjoying all the whales surfacing all around us. Then we decided to look for the White-beaked dolphins and lucky us we found a nice group little bit further out in the bay. So all together very good tour with three different species ;)


Tour at 09:00

In perfect whale watching weather, calm sea and hardly no wind we sailed out this morning. The Puffin island Lundey was our first stop. There were hardly any Puffins on or around the island. Very close to the island we spotted a small group of Harbour porpoises and we could see them quite well. Then we sailed out to Faxaflói bay. After sailing for 35 minutes we came to an area with lots of diving Gannets and feeding birds. In this area we spotted many Minke whales. They surfaced all around the bout, some came very close, others surfacing further away. After spending some time around the Minke whales we sailed further out, because the captain spotted some splashes. And there we found a group of White-beaked dolphins. Very nice tour with three species ;)