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Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Tour at 17:00

The wind was picking up some more and in the end of this trip it was getting quite rough. But very nice tour though. We didn’t count the Minke whales we spotted in one very good area with lots of diving Gannets and feeding birds, many hundreds of them. And like always it was very spectacular to watch there elegant birds dining down to the water. Many of the Minke whales came very close to our boat, about 10-15 meters some of them so all our nice passenger could have a good look at the animals. So all together very successful tour.


Tour at 13:00

The wind had picket up a little bit when we headed out this afternoon. We sailed straight out to the good area where we found the whales this morning. And lucky us, they were still there. In the beginning we saw many Minke whales and Harbour porpoises surfacing every where around us and some of them came quite close to our boat. But then something happened.........It was like they all disappeared????? We search for some time and spotted some of them again but it was very difficult to get close to them and they only surfaced one or two times before taking a deep dive. But towards the end of the tour, one of them was easier to approach and we could take back a clear picture of it in our minds. So, very good whales in the beginning and some difficult ones and than a happy ending.  Very nice tour;)


Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding: First after we got out to Faxaflói bay we spotted some Harbour Porpoises they surfaced quite many times and we were able to see them very well. While looking at them we spotted the first Minke Whales. During the tour we spotted quite many Minke Whales but most of them were seen from quite faraway. Several times one surfaced close to the boat and at one point it was rolling at the top of the surface only 15 meters away from the boat showing belly up, it was just amazing. Later we then spotted a calm pod of White-beaked Dolphins they were avoiding the boat a bit but we were able to stay with them for a little while.

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was absolutely gorgeous when we headed out to Faxaflói bay this morning, Calm sea, the sun was shining and hardly any wind. After sailing for some time suddenly a group of Harbour porpoises crossed our path and what a nice group it was, but fast swimming. So we headed further out. There we found a good area with many Minke whales. They were feeding. Some of them surfaced just few meters away from our bout, and some further away. We also spotted a small group of White-beaked dolphins. It was very difficult to get close to this group in the beginning but then they were nice to us and surface just beside the bout. On our way back to the harbour we spotted one more Minke whale and lots of Harbour porpoises. Fantastic tour;)