
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Monday, 23 August 2010

Tour at 17:00

The wind had gone down again when we headed out for this tour. We searched and searched for a while without spotting any flocks of birds or any whales. We then spotted a small pod of White-beaked Dolphins, they surfaced around us for a while. When we lost them we spotted blows from Minke Whales further away and there was also a flock of feeding Gannets there. On our way there the small pod of White-beaked Dolphins followed us and the closer we got to the Gannets we started seeing splashes and more and more blows. When we finally go there we had hit a huge party. There were so many White-beaked Dolphins there right underneath all the Gannets witch were plunging into the water and so many Minke Whales right there with them that I lost count early on. We stayed there for a while until we had to start heading back to the harbour. One of the best tours this summer!!


Tour at 13:00

The wind had slightly calmed down when we headed out but picked up again when we got further out. This tour was slightly more success then the first tour of the day. Unfortunately there were not many Gannets around but we spotted at least 4 Minke Whales. Three in one area and then the 4th one close by. One surfaced several times very close to the boat while the others were a bit further away.


Tour at 09:00

It was very windy out in Faxaflói today. We headed out prepared for rough conditions and we had lots of fresh air, huge flock of Gannets but unfortunately after searching for up to 3 hours we didn't see any whales and offered our passengers a complimentary ticket to come again for free.