
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Tour at 17:00

The wind had picked up allot when we headed out again this afternoon. And we had to sail for a long time before we were able to find the whales. 35 kilometres from the harbour we finally came in an area with a few Minke Whales, a big group of White-beaked dolphins and lots of feeding Gannets. The Minke whales were surface feeding allot, making some splashes and just before we had to start heading back to the harbour some White-beaked dolphins started to breach out of the water. So we sailed back to the harbour in beautiful weather with a lot of smiling passengers.;)


Tour at 13:00

The wind had picked up some but the skies where clear and the visibility fantastic. It felt like quite a long tour this tour because the whales were over an hours boat ride away. We did see a few Puffins on the way out though. We eventually found a Minke Whale but at first it was very elusive but i warmed up to us and started to surface many times but some of which were covered by the swells. Other whale watching boats started to arrive so we let this whale be to go looking for another. Unfortunately no others were found but some passengers did spot some Harbour Porpoises but they had gone just as fast as they arrived. Not the best tour but it was better than nothing.


Tour at 09:00

With cold, windy but sunny weather we headed out to Faxaflói searching for whales. The first species we spotted was a group of Harbour porpoises. They were fast swimming and we followed them for a while. Then much further out in the bay, after searching for a long time, we finally spotted some Minke Whales and in same area a group of White-beaked dolphins. They showed up behind the bout so it was difficult to decide if we were looking in front at the Minkes or behind to see the dolphins. The dolphins were nice and surfaced all around us and later we found some Minke Whale which came close to our boat. So three species on this tour. Not bad!