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Friday, 27 August 2010

Tour at 17:00

The wind picked up slightly but the weather was pretty much the same as before except for the beautiful evening light. It took us a very long time to find the Minke Whales for this tour as once again they were about 50 mins to 1hrs boat ride out but eventually we found them. They were still being very elusive though, not letting us close. The closest we got was about 60-70 meters and that was when it was heading away from us. We saw at least 2 or 3 Minkes on this tour as well as a small pod of Harbour Porpoises. We were quite lucky with the birds too, we saw, a couple of Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills, Skuas, Gulls, Gannets, Fulmars, Kittiwakes and Manx Shearwaters. Seemed to be quite a long tour with a lot of waiting but the Minkes pulled through for us once again.


Tour at 13:00

We headed out straight into Faxaflói. On our way out there we spotted two different pods of White-beaked Dolphins they were very difficult and we kept loosing them and then finding them further away. After following them for a while we headed on and later we spotted a Minke Whale quite far away. it surfaced several times but always went for a long deep dive before coming up again. The next two Minke Whales we spotted were the same until close to the end when we found one Minke Whale. It was coming up to the surface again and again one 1-2 meters away from another vessel that was out there and that Minke Whale gave us quite the show. After a while we had to start heading back since we were about an hour away from shore.


Tour at 9:00

Once again the weather was great, calm sea, clear blue skies and brilliant visibility. We were quite lucky with the Minke Whales today because they were very close to land however, they were being quite elusive, surfacing only once or twice before going for a deep dive. We did spot about 3 or 4 though, one of which surfaced less than 50 meters from our boat on a couple of occasions. Just as the time was starting to run out and the Minke Whales weren´t being that cooperative we happened across a pod of White-beaked Dolphins which seemed to of found us rather than the other way round. They were really great, surfacing very close to the boat (less than 20 meters), leaping, breaching, surfing the swells and just hanging about whilst we observed. Really great end to a bit of a difficult tour.