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Saturday, 29 August 2010

Tour at 17:00

After we got into Faxaflói bay we first spotted one Minke Whale. This Minke Whale was very difficult. Later we spotted a small pod of Harbour Porpoises, they surfaced several times for us to see them. The next two Minke Whales were a bit easier but still difficult so we decided to head further out. When we got there we spotted feeding Gannets in the distance and while we were heading there we started to spot blows from Minke Whales we spotted two of them and then White-beaked Dolphins. We stayed with them for a while, but we really wanted one more Minke Whale so we kept searching and our wish came true. We found at least 5 Minke Whales there and one came up so close to the boat that it felt like we could touch it, it was amazing. In the same area we also spotted several Puffins and while all these were around us the sun finally started shining again after a misty, foggy but still a great day.


Tour at 13:00

We headed out again at 13:00. The wind had gone down a lot. Bit of rain once in a while but it was not to bad. We had along search ahead of us. First we spotted briefly some Harbour Porpoises, but we didn't stay with them for very long. We then kept on searching. We found areas with lots of Gannets but there didn't seem to be many whales there. We then got to an area where we found at least 3-4 different Minke Whales. But these Minkes were very difficult. We were able to see them very well but they stayed under water for very long after each deep dive so there was a lot of waiting around for them to come up again. While waiting we spotted another Puffin and later on we spotted at least two more. We then decided to head further out. We went pretty far out and there we found a nice flock of feeding Gannets. They were spread over some large area and there we started to spot blows from whales further away. When we got there we spotted at least 4 there right in front of us and one of them surfaced several times very close to us. Great ending after a long search.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: When we headed out this morning it was foggy and drizzling. We searched for a while until we found Gannets flying over something. They were not feeding but it seemed as if they were waiting for the fish to get there when they were flying in circles above the water. We found one Minke Whale there. It surfaced several times but it was avoiding the boat a bit so we kept on searching. Finally when we got pretty far out we got to an area where the Gannets were feeding a lot and there were several different Minke Whales there. Some surfaced close to us but others further away. Among other birds in that area we had some Kittiwakes, Gulls, Fulmars, Guillamots, Shearwaters and we also spotted one Puffin there, one of few we have left.

Report from Elding: Beautiful weather once again, flat sea, clear skies, great visibility. We travelled for about 40-50 minutes before we came across a couple of small pods of Harbour Porpoises. They were surfacing loads and very near to the boat on the odd occasion too. Then a little while after that we saw a Minke Whale but we couldn´t get very close to it, it always stayed at least 2-300 meters away from us and only surfaced once or twice before going for a long deep dive. We were finding it very hard to keep track of this whale so we decided to go look for another. We then got word from our sister vessel Hafsulan that they found a Minke Whale that was more interactive. We got there and it was great surfacing less than 100 meters from us however, it did seem to be preoccupied (maybe following fish) as it was continuously changing directions. Birds we saw on this trip were Gannets, Gulls, Kittiwakes, Fulmars, Guillemots and Manx Shearwaters.