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Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Tour at 17:00

It was the same nice weather even though it was raining a bit when we headed out this afternoon. It took us about 40 minutes to find the whales again. First we spotted a small group of Harbour porpoises, a nice group. A few minutes later we found a very good area with lots of feeding birds. And the Minke whales were having a party, or it looked like it. There were so many Minke whales in the area and they were surface feeding, lunges feeding, even coming up with the pink belly up many times. Amazing.....We even turned the engine of and enjoyed the whales feeding around the boat. Some times it was difficult to know where to look because there were splashes every where around us from lunges feeding Minkes. A few times we could even smell them .So on this tour we could watch them, hear them breathing and smell there disgusting sushi-breath. All together absolutely unforgettable tour.


Tour at 13:00

The weather again was quite hazy and the visibility not the best but good enough to see the whales from a distance. The wind seemed to calm down quite a lot too which was nice. We went to the same spot as the last tour but on the way we came across a pod of Harbour Porpoises which surfaced many times and less than 50 meters from our boat. Then it took us a while before we could get close to a Minke Whale, they were also surfacing many hundred meters away. Then we found one that surfaced many times and close to the boat too. We just stayed in one spot for about 30 minutes or more just watching this Minke Whale circle us, surf the swells and blow bubbles under the water. Then after a while another Minke was in the area. We left these guys and headed towards the flocks of diving Gannets, then we found one Minke Whale that was absolutely mind-blowing to watch, just 20-30 meters from our boat you could see the whale lunge feeding under the water not only once but a couple of times. Other birds we saw were Guillemots, Skuas, Gulls, Kittiwakes, Fulmars, one Puffin, Razorbills, Manx Shearwaters and one Sooty Shearwater. Fantastic Tour!!!


Tour at 09:00

Nice weather but a little bit misty when we headed out this morning. After sailing for 45 minutes we spotted a blow in the distance. It was a blow form a Minke whale. When we got closer we saw there were many Minke whale in this area, and allot of feeding birds and diving Gannets. Some of the whales came very close and one time one of them surfaced only 20 meters from the boat so all our passengers could have a good look at the animal. Then a small group of Harbour porpoises showed up close to our boat. Very nice tour with two species seen.