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Saturday, 17 July 2010

Tour at 20:30

This trip began with beautiful weather and on the way out to Faxaflói Bay the Captain spotted one Minke Whale swimming very close to the boat.  However it did a deep dive and we did not see it again.  Unfortunately for the rest of the trip we did not see anymore whales.  However the weather was beautiful and a truly spectacular sunset.  All of the passengers received a free ticket to join us again.  This was a rare trip, but it does happen.


Tour at 17:00

The sea was still a bit rocky but we only really felt it on the back. The skies were clear and the visibility was amazing. We headed straight out into Faxaflói Bay and didn´t see any whales for about 50mins - 1hr but then once we got to the area they were everywhere. There must of been at least 5-8 Minkes but we got really close to about 3 of then, less than 30 meters from the boat. We saw quite a lot of birds on this tour too, Puffins, Guillemots, Fulmars (flying an arms length from your head) Kittiwakes, Arctic Terns, Skuas and not forgetting, the largest seabird in the North Atlantic, the Gannet. After staying with the Minke Whales for just over an hour we headed back to the coast to see Akurey (Puffin Island) and didn´t see many, so they must of been out at sea or in their burrows but there were a couple there flying around and paddling on the water. Great Tour.


Tour at 14.00

We went to see the Puffin Island Akurey. After this stop we went straight out into the Faxaflói bay to look for some whales. We spotted a Minke Whale and stayed with him for a while. The Minke Whale surfaced quite often and two times really close to the boat. When it went for a deeper dive it stayed quite a while under the surface and headed away from us. We lost the track  and couldn’t find it again. We also saw many Gannets, Puffins, Fulmars and Kittiwakes out at the bay.


Tour at 13:00

We headed straight to Akurey to see the Puffins. Around the Island we also spotted some Arctic Skuas,  Arctic Terns, Lesser-black Backed Gulls and some Kittiwakes. After checking out the birds we headed out to Faxaflói. Conditions were slightly better then this morning but there were still quite many white caps out there. We found at least 5-6 different Minke Whales out there today one came pretty close to the boat but the others were quite difficult, only surfacing once or twice faraway from us but the blow form the whales was quite big and the last Minke Whale we spotted was very nice and came about 3 times up pretty close to us.


Tour at 10:00

We started our tour with a stop at the Puffin Island Akurey. After this nice visit we headed out into the Faxaflói bay and started looking for whales. We spotted a group of feeding birds and also a Minke Whale but it surfaced 2 times and went for a deeper dive and we lost track. We headed on and spotted some Gannets diving down for fish. Some of them dived down at the same time. It was a great show to watch. We spotted again a huge group of birds and another Minke Whale. It surfaced 3 times and when we got closer it surfaced 2 times quite close but when it went for a deeper dive we lost it. We saw many birds out at the bay like Puffins, Kittiwakes, Fulmars, Gannets and Black Backed Gulls.


Tour at 9:00

We started out today by visiting Akurey and the Puffins. It was very peaceful by the Island and we also spotted some Arctic Skuas there, Arctic Terns and some Gulls. We then headed out. The further out we got it picked up a lot of wind and there were many white caps out there which made our search a lot more challenging. After searching for a while we spotted our first flock of feeding birds but there wasn't much around them so we headed on. We then found a Minke Whale it surfaced several times and we were able to spot the blow very clearly. Later during the tour we spotted one more Minke Whale and close to it there was a big flock of feeding Gannets.