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Thursday, 24 June 2010

Tour at 20:30

The Puffin island Akurey was our first stop this evening. Then Faxaflói bay. It took us a very long time to find the first whale. It was a group of Harbour porpoises. They surfaced two times before disappearing, and the second group also. It looked like the Porpoises were not in a very good whale watching mood. So we headed further out. We spotted  two times Minke whales but just for a short while. The tour ended with a grand sunset.


Tour at 17:00

We had a very lovely tour out on the bay this afternoon! The sun was shining, the sea was calm and everything was just beautiful. We started by heading out to the Puffins in Akurey but unfortunately not very many of them were at home this afternoon, they were at least not very visible on the island so either they were out on the bay feeding or staying inside their holes. But we headed out to Faxaflói and very shortly we spotted a nice pod of Harbour Porpoises. These small whales showed themselves quite well and didn't seem to be too afraid of the boat. A good beginning, but on we headed on and shortly afterwards we spotted our first Minke Whale and it was a very nice whale. Came up to surface a few times before going down for a deeper dive. When that whale suddenly disappeared we headed onwards and quite soon spotted a Minke whale again, and then another one just beside it, and then another one a little further away! At least three individuals in the same area and we got a very good look at two of them, could hear the blow and even smell their breath! A very nice ending to the tour and we headed back to the harbour in the lovely sunny weather. A great tour!


Tour at 13:00

The weather was absolutely gorgeous during this tour. The sun was shining as we headed out into Faxaflói Bay and the wind had gone down a lot since this morning. We had only sailed for about 30 minutes when we spotted our first Minke Whale. This Minke Whale was very nice, it didn't stay under water for very long after each deep dive and the sea was so green that we could so easily track the shadow when it was shallow diving which was most of the time. So beautiful. Than as we are about to head over to another area where we saw a huge flock of feeding birds a Humpback Whale was spotted behind us. At first I was afraid to say it out loud but it was true, a beautiful Humpback Whale was there. It was very calm, deep dived quite often for rather long time until it came up to the surface again but it was very calm when it came up and once in the beginning it clearly showed the fluke. But oh how good it was to see it again and how nice to end the week/ start the weekend with a visit from the Humpback Whale. While we were looking at it we also spotted some Harbour Porpoises and then we ended the tour with a visit in Akurey to see the Puffins, a great tour out in Faxaflói bay.


Tour at 09:00

We started this morning’s tour with a stop in Akurey to see the Puffins before we headed out to Faxaflói. Soon after we left the Island we spotted our first Minke Whale. It was very nice and surfaced several times but when it went for a deep dive it stayed under water for very long. During the tour we spotted at least 2 other Minke Whales but they were also very difficult. We tried another area where there had been sightings last night but we didn't see anything over there. On our way back to the harbour we came across few Harbour Porpoises. Some of us on board were able to see them when they came several times leaping out of the water, but then they swam very quickly away from us.