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Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Tour at 20:30

Report from elding: What a great night ! We started the tour at Puffin Island where we could see a lot of Puffins !! We then headed offshor and it didn't take us a long time before we spotted the first Minke whale. We stayed with this friendly whale for a while and we could see two other Minke Whale in the backgound. So many birds in the bay, that was sure there was a lot of fish for them !! We decided to go further out in the bay and after 15 minutes we saw the forth Minke whale, a little bit more busy as it was going for long dives so we started our way back listning to some good live music. Relaxing night with again a beautiful weather and sunset !!

Tour at 17:00

Report from Elding: We started our evening tour with our puffin island and we could see a lot of puffins all around the island. The beginning of our whale watching was than a little bit difficult. We saw several minke whales but they always showed up only one or two times and then they disappeared. All in all we saw 5 to 8 minke whales on this tour but most of them were very illusive. Finally on the end of our tour we found another minke whale - this guy was much more "whale watching friendly" because we could see him very often also really close to the boat. All passengers enjoyed this minke very much and it was great to sea his massive body. The second species that we saw on this tour were harbour porpoises. Unforseeable they appeared close to the boat, surfaced several times and than they disappeared.


Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: The wind had picked up just a bit when we headed out this gray afternoon. We sailed straight out to search for the whales. After only few minutes of sailing we spotted a minke whale. It was beautiful to see it surfacing in the sun but it was quite far away and it only surfaced few times before disapearing. We headed further out and found another right away, but it was the same story, only surfacing twice before taking off so we had to go even further out. We searched in a very large area without any luck. In the end we found another minke whale but it only surfaced once before heading off. Very disappointing tour for all of us and we hope to see our guests again as we gave them complimentary tickets.


Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: After our special morning tours with the humback whales at the beginning of our tour we had a look if the humpback whales might be still in the bay. Unfortunately they travelled too fast and therefore we could not spot them anymore on our midday tour. However we saw several minke whales on this tour. The sea was a little bit rough on this tour and it was a little bit difficult to disdinguish the whales from the waves but all in all we had one minke whale at the beginning of our tour, two minkes a little bit farer from us and another minke whale at the very end of the tour closer to the boat.


Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: This was a very surprising tour for all of us! We were going to start the tour by visiting Akurey the puffin Island. The guide was telling the guests all about these cute birds when he saw something very close to the island, only few meters away from it! He thought these were just rocks but then he saw a blow, and yeah there we had TWO HUMPBACK WHALES! This was incredible to see them so close to land! We followed them for a very long time as they swam slowly further out. We could get very close and this was so nice to see them surfacing together, showing us the fluke very often and even letting us hearing them breath when they surfaced close to us! Unbelievable tour


Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsulan : Amazing tour! We saw on this tour 2 humpback whales in front of Reykjavik, travelling together out in the bay, and 2 minke whales. We first went to Akurey puffin islands saw a lot of birds. Then we headed out in Faxafloi, and got a bit of shower on the way, and cloud at the top of the monuntains. Later the sea was really calm with beautiful colours and mystical mist and we found our minke whale coming up between 30 to 50 meters. We heard from Elding, our other boat, that they found two humpback whales close to land in front of the entrance of the harbour near the puffin island. We went back there and found them going out in the bay. We first saw huge blows of at least 2-3 meters high at 150 meters from the boat. They must have found a lot of fish close to land. We followed them for a while until we had to go back to the harbour. they showed us several time their flukes (tails) out of the water when diving ! It was incredible and people were all so happy clapping their hands !