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Thursday, 12 July 2012

Tour at 2030

Unfortunately we will have to cancel this tour due to unfavourable weather conditions out at Faxaflói Bay. Our office is open until 9 PM so please drop by or call if you have any concerns about your reservation on this tour. We will be happy to help.


Tour at 1700

Report from Elding : we headed off into the rather windy bay towards the town of Akranes and the Snæfellsnes Peninsula after having a look at Puffin Island, Lundey Island for a change due to unfavourable conditions at Akurey Island. Then we turned towards Snæfellsjökull Glacier, always on the look-out for whales. But to our dismay, Faxaflói Bay was same as dead. We hardly saw even birds on the water! Finally, after over two hours out at sea, two Minke Whales showed themselves within a few minutes and our passengers got a look at them. This was not the best of tours but also not the worst either.


Tour at 14:00

Unfortunately the data from this tour is missing from our system


Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We left the harbor of Reykjavík for the second time and went at first to Akurey to watch the Puffins. After that we went straight out into the bay which was a bit more choppy than in the morning but still in a beautyfull sunshine. We had high hopes when we started the searching but unfortunately they did not came true. We were searching in an great area of the bay for a very long time but there was not one sign of a whale. As we want that everyone on board gets the chance to meet a whale we gave everyone on board a complimentary ticket to come on another day again.


Tour at 10:00

Report from Skrúður : we went out with a jolly private group from Sweden and first stopped by Akurey for some Puffin watching. After that we headed out but this was not to be our day. About an hour into the tour a passenger spotted a Minke Whale at three o'clock and we turned the boat but this whale dived down and was not seen again. Then in the company of our sister ship Hafsúlan we searched all over the eastern part of the bay. We did find one or two more Minke Whales but they too disappeared. Towards the end, as we were heading home, a fourth Minke Whale was seen by the guide behind the boat about 2-300 meters away. We turned the boat and went in its direction, saw it again but then it disappeared. Altoghether a disappointing tour in terms of sightings (but still very good in many ways, for instance viewings of Gannet and Arctic Skua) so we gave every passenger a complimentary ticket that is valid for two years. Our Swedish friends were still very pleased with the tour so if you are reading this, we at Elding Whale Watching would like to say: "Tack so micket!"

Report from Elding : Very poor sighting this morning in Faxafloi. The weather was wonderful very sunny and the visibility was very good, and saw a lot of different species of birds : puffins at akurey island and out in the bay, arctic skuas, gannets, arctic terns, common guillemots, fulmars, kittiwakes, gulls, eider ducks. People got a complimentary ticket valid for two years and can come come back have another chance.


Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We started this day at Akurey to spend some time with the Puffins that are living on this island close to Reykjavík. After that we headed out into the bay and we had to search for a long time until we found the first sign of a Whale. It was a passenger shouting twelve a clock and shortly later we spotted a Minke Whale. Unfortunately we could not stay a long time with this individual as it disappeared soon in the sea. We went on with the search and found a second Minke that we could spot a while even it was challenging. We had to turn and to head back towards land as we were running out of time, on our way back we saw a third Minke Whale that we had a short look at but time was running out so we had to head back towards land. So we started the bay with a long search but three Minke Whales in all.