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Sunday, 15 July 2012

Tour at 20:30

Report from Elding : We knew knew from the previous tour that it was not easy today but we started the tour under a beautiful sky so we were really optimistic. Unfortunately we searched for 1 hour and a half without any success. We saw some splash really far on the horizon that could have been some dolphin racing but we never saw them again when headed there. We made our way back a little bit disappointed but the warm sunset and the live music almost made us forget the main reason of the trip. We stopped at Puffin Island before to come back on land. This is wildlife !

Tour at 17:00Report from Hafsúlan: We knew right away where to go after seeing the minke whales very far out in the morning and afternoon. We searched in a very large area but unfortunately no minke whales were around. The tour was little bit longer because of how much time we spent searching but we could simply not believe that the minke whales were not there. There was one thing that was a bit unusual this day and that is how many arctic scuas were out there. We have been seeing lot of them for last days and today were no exception! We gave out complimentary tickets and we hope for better luck next time.Tour at 14:00Report from Elding: this was a very difficult tour without any whale sighting. Again there were almost no birds on the water, never a good sign. We searched and searched and searched but no whale sightings and the most exciting experience nature presented us with was a Gannet diving like a torpedo into the water several times. There seems to have been just no food in Faxaflói Bay. In the end we decided to give complimentary tickets to every passenger in line with our commitment to do the best we can when nature is not playing along.Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Yet again we sailed out quite far in hope to find the whales again. After a long search a minke whale popped up and not very far away from us. This one was being little bit sneaky, surfacing at 11'o clock and then next time at 3 o'clock! It was always surprising us but then out of nowhere it came up just right in front of us very close to the boat! It was just amazing to see it so close, and even to hear its' breath. On the way back home we even spotted another minke whale so it was very nice to have a little surprise minke in the end!Tour at 1000Report from Elding: this turned out to be a difficult tour but nonetheless better than our following one at 1400. The few, almost no, birds on the sea from the start did not give us a good feeling for the tour. It took us over two hours to find the first Minke Whale. We feared upon finding how elusive it was that it was going to be just one sighting and that would be it. But instead we got another sighting, then a third and so forth. Even if there were about five minutes or so between the few sightings, it was still not the worst we have encountered in the past few days. It was the same animal the whole time or a second at most. Luck struck when only 5-10 minutes until it would be necessary to return to harbour. Then the animal showed itself two to three times on two separate occasions and on the last occasion the snout was well seen, by which time we just had to return to Reykjavik. But it was almost if the whale came up for a final goodbye and to say something like "Yes I know I've been difficult to you so here is a great look at me to compensate a bit before you go". Towards the end we also saw a very impressive air battle between an Arctic Skua and several gulls.Tour at 09:00Report from Hafsúlan: After two windy days in Faxaflói we headed out in a little bit calmer weather than previous days. We noticed very soon that we had to sail quite far out in order to find the whales. After more than an hour we finally spotted a minke whale! It was so nice to see it after such a long search. We followed that minke for a while were we could see it surfacing many times around us. We searched a little bit in other area but without any luck. So one nice minke whale it was for us this morning!