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Monday, 16 July 2012

Tour at 20:30

Report from Hasùlan: Awesome tour !! The weather was beautiful all day long so I was expecting a great evening ... and it was !! The sea was almost flat when we left Puffin Island after we watched just a few Puffins (but an Artic Skua from really close). We headed offshor and it took us only 20 minutes before the first Minke Whales poped up. We followed this guy for while and decide to go further. We had a great look at 2 other Minke Whales and we spotted at least 2 other in the distance. We also watched a group of Harbour Porpoises and on the way back we were really lucky to find a pod of around 5 White-Beaked Dolphins including a few really young dolphins. That was the "cherry on the the cake" ! Everybody was smiling on the way back, listenning some live music and string at the fantastic sunset. A night to remember !


Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was still fantastic when we left Reykjavík older harbor this afternoon. We stopped on our way out at Akurey to watch the Puffins, unfortunetaly there were not very many birds around, we hope they are out on sea to catch fish for their chicks. After that we were sailing quite a while until we spotted the first pod of 4 Harbor Porpoises. They were very shy, so we decided to head on and search in an other area. Not long time after we found a pod of White Beaked Dolphins! They were great to watch and at least 15 to 20, maybe even more. We spended nearly the whole tour with the Dolphins surfacing in the sunset of Faxaflói Bay. It was hard to leave them but we wanted to go through another area. Next stop was a Pod of 5 to 7 Harbor Porpoises that were not that shy than those before. Great to see them slowly surfacing and more often than before. On our way back we had a great surprise as there was one Minke Whale that could stay with for a while. We saw it several times before we had to head back towards land as we were already late. We came back after a beautyful tour with three different species in the sunset.


Tour at 14:00

Rreport from Elding : We went out for not long before seeing our first Minke Whale like 200 or 300 meters in front of us. When we arrive in the area we saw it several times surfacing but just short times in between sufacings, so we decided to go further and then we found after a little time a large pod of white beaked dolphins with at least 3 very young and tiny calves. We must have seen around 20 individuals. It was really nice to see them, we left them alone with their babies to go back to the minkie we saw earlier and we saw it again several times in a distance between 60 to 100 meters. But still we had a good look at it since the weather was just perfect with avery calm sea and a lot of sun.


Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out into beautiful weather this afternoon with very high hopes as the morning tours were very good. We headed straight out into the bay and a Minke Whale was our first cetacean of the day however, it was far away and as we got closer it didn't show itself again. We continued and saw two small pods of White-beaked Dolphins feeding under a flock of seabirds and as we got a bit closer they came together and we found that there was at least 10-15 individuals from large adults to small calves. We must have seen at least three pods of dolphins on this tour a large pod and two other smaller pods of maybe 3-5 animals, latter on. It was definitely a dolphin tour but we were happy to see a Minke Whale surface a couple of times before we sailed back to Puffin Island were we saw some but not many Puffins.


Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding : Weather was incredibly beautiful with a flat sea. We first went to Akurey island to see the puffins, and there were not many of them, since they are out at sea to fish and bring fish to their chicks. An arctic skua was harrassing birds, stealing the fish from them. We saw in total in this tour 4 different Minke Whales, and we didn't have to go that far to see the first one, close to land then a second one further away, we had a nice look at both of them. But the nicest time was on the way back to the harbour after spotting two minke whales travelling together, two adults; and we saw them really close to the boat. All in all, a very nice tour, we heard the exhaled breath of each whale.

Birds seen : a Storm Petrel, Gannets, Fulmars, Arctic Terns, Brunnich Guillemots, Arctic Skuas, Lesser Black Backed Gulls, Kittiwakes (one was cirlcing the boat 7 times), Puffins.


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We started into a nice sunny and calm morning when we left Faxaflói Bay. At the island Akurey we first watched at the Puffins before we headed further out to search for whales. It did not take us a long time before we spotted the first Minke Whale of the day! In pretty much the same area we found during the tour 4 Minke Whales, that were surfacing around us. The highlight was definetely when two of them surfaced at the same time side by side just a few meters in front of our boat! Quite often we could smell their breath in the wind while they surfaced not more than 10 meter away from our boat. On the way back towards Reykjavík we had a small and short surprise as we met a Pod of 2 to 3 Harbour Porpoises. We came back to the harbor after having a good start into the day with baleen and toothed whales not far away from Reykjavík.