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Saturday, 21 July 2012

Tours at 20:30 & 17:00

Unfortunately we will have to cancel this tour due to an expected storm tonight. Our office is open until 9 PM so please drop by or call if you have any concerns about your reservation on these tours. We will be happy to help.

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: We headed straight out Faxaflói bay which was getting a little bit windy, but nothing that a good overall and a seasickness tablet could not fix! Our sister vessel Hafsúlan had already found a Minke whale so we saild there and oh where we in for a treat! We had only been looking at this first Minke whale of the tour for a little while when it started breaching and jumping out oft the sea making big splashes! It did back flips and was showing of the best it could for us. We were so busy watching it that it took us a little while to realise that the was an other Minke whale in the same area, they were surfacing all a round us. To top it of we saw Harbour Porpoises very close to the boat while we were still watching the Minkes! It was hard for us to leave this beautiful animals behind after what felt like only few minutes but that how it is, time flies so we sailed back home to Reykjavik harbour. It was such a fun tour even though the Icelandic wind was blowing pretty strongly!

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Puffin Island was slightly better now than it had been in the morning but what was worse was the weather. It was more cold and windy but still OK. There were plenty of birds on the water which was a good sign, a sign of there would be fish in the bay and when there is fish around, often the whales aren't too far away. A particular delight on this day were the great number of Ocean Gannets, totally massive seabirds that we had started to miss at one point. And then the Minke Whales began to appear. One by one we had them, for different amounts of time. But towards the end the fun began. Splashes in a distance indicates breaching. And we saw the body come up for the first time. And then the second time. And then the third. It was just unbelievable! It was five or six times that this Minke Whale breached for us. And not only that but also another Minke Whale a bit further. It was a breaching day alright!! It was the most exciting thing seen in days and on a day when we thought we would have to cancel all or most of the tours because of storm. Yay!

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: We headed out to Faxflói bay not knowing what to expect since the weather forecast for the day was not looking too good. It was no need to worry, the sea was calm and the weather stayed nice on this trip. We sailed out of the old harbour of Reykjavik and went to Akurey the puffin colony, after spending time looking at the puffins we sailed on out the cloudy Faxaflói bay. After a short while we spotted one Minke whale but it was rather elusive so soon we kept on searching. We heard from our sister vessel Hafsúlan that they had spotted a minke whale so we sailed to them to try to get a look a it as well. This turned out to be a very nice Minke whale, surfaced all around the boat and allowed us to get a good look at it. Like always the time runs away while your having fun so we had to head back to Reykjavik harbour. On the way back we entertained us by watching the Northern Gannet flying around the boat along with some fulmars and kittiwakes.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: it was a rather calm start of a day that was according to the weather forecast supposed to be windy and even stormy. We started by having a look at Puffin Island but it almost did not stand under its name as there were almost no Puffins to be seen either on it or close to it. This happens sometimes and then all the Puffins are usually somewhere out at sea fishing for sandeel. Then we headed out and it took us about an hour and a half before we found the first Minke Whale on the trip. We lost it very quickly though but soon found another one and managed to follow it for a while before we had to leave for home. It was an acceptable tour but nothing compared to the tour to follow at 13.00. Stay put!

Pictures taken on the 14:00 tour by passenger Jeannette kobelt from Switzerland