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Monday, 11 June 2012

Tour at 1700

Report from Hafsúlan: It was a beautiful evening light tonight but the tour started off very slowly with a couple of Minkes on the way offshore but very elusive ones that were only seen once or twice and not showing up again. It wasn´t until much later in the tour that we got to see some true signs of the whales, two Minke Whales in particular which didn´t come very close to us but we got a good look at them nonetheless. The sight of the blows in the evening light was also incredible as they could be seen 100s of meters away. We even had a very nice encounter with 3 Harbour Porpoises that showed up less than a meter infront of the boat and then you could see them swimming under the surface next to it before they headed away. So it was a very slow start to the tour but it the end it was very nice.

Tour at 1400

Report from Elding: We were very optimistic after the successful morning tours but this time it was a little bit more difficult. We went to the same area where we spotted several whales in the morning but this time it took a little bit longer until we spotted the first minke whale. We could see him 2 or 3 times but then he went for a long dive and simply disappeared. We continued our journey and after a while we found a second minke whale. Unfortunately it was the same behaviour - we spotted him two times and then he also disappeared. We searched for more whales but unfortunately without any luck. Therefore we decided to go back to the harbour and to distribute complimentary tickets to our passengers.

Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: We were hoping to have the exact same tour as the morning but for those that know nature we know that it changes in a split second and it had. The wind picked up over the last hour too which made the tour a tad colder but still very pleasant. We saw at least 3-4 Minke Whales with two being great and surfacing 10-20 meters from the boat and many times. One was even a Minke Whale we know very well called Midi which has been observed every year since 2007. No other species though unfortunately.

Tour at 1000

Report from Elding: On this tour we had to go out relatively far. However it was absolutely worth since we found a group of minke whales. We spotted 3 to 5 minke whales all around the boat. It was absolutely great since they we very close to the boat - sometimes just a few meters away. While we were waiting for the minke whales to come up again we could enjoy a group of harbour porpoises. It was great to watch the harbour porpoises also very close to the boat. From the top of the boat we could even see how they swam several meters just under the water surface. It was a fantastic tour since we saw the whales very very often and we did not have to wait long until we spotted them again.

Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: What an incredible morning. The sun was shining and the sea was calm. We started our adventures today at Akurey (Puffin Island) and we were not disappointed as there were hundreds if not thousands there. We then headed very far offshore and saw Minke Whales and splashes in the distance. Once we got to where the Minke Whales were (at least 3-5 Minke Whales) we turned off our engines and was astounded by the Minkes as they were rolling and lunge feeding for ages meters from the boat. It was absolutely breathtaking to see such incredible behaviours just meters away and with the added bonus of Harbour Porpoises (10-20 Individuals at least) feeding and surfacing all around us.

Photos taken on the 9:00 tour by Megan Whitaker,  more photos are available on our Facebook page.