Northern Lights Diary
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The storm we've been experiencing the past few days seem to be calming down and will keep doing so throughout the day/evening. We expect some scattered clouds and aurora forecast is a moderate 3/9.
Tour status: RUNNING
Sightings: In the moment we left the harbour the sky was
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The aurora activity forecast is 2/9, low activity. There is supposed to be some cloud coverage but hopefully not too much so that we will be able to go out. A final decision will be taken around 5pm.
Tour status: CANCELLED
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Unfortunately the weather and cloud forecast look unfavourable for tonight. We are unable to run the tour due to rough seas and lack of visibility.
Tour status: CANCELLED
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The aurora activity foreacast is at 3/9 which is moderately good. There is supposed to be some cloud coverage but hopefully not too much so that we will be able to go out. Final decision will be taken around 5pm.
Tour status: CANCELLED
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The sea conditions today are not in our favor, however the wind is supposed to slow down by the day so we will have to see later today if that will be the case. The norhtern lights activity forecast looks good for the night (3/9) but there is a chance of heavy cloud coverage.
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We are hoping for clear skies tonight but the forecast says it will thicken up at around 21 or 22 o'clock. The aurora forecast is at 3/9 which is quite good.
Tour status: RUNNING
Sightings: We sailed out into a partly cloudy bay in search of some northern lights tonight. We
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The aurora forecast is moderately high tonight (4/9) and we are expecting scattered clouds. Final decision will be made around 17 or 18 o'clock.
Tour status: RUNNING
Sightings: We sailed out in cloudy conditions but with a promising forecast of good northern lights and sky t
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The aurora forecast is moderately high (4/9) for this evening and the cloud coverage is minimal as well. This makes tonight look very promising!
Tour status: RUNNING
Sightings: despite the promising forecast for the northern lights we could not see any on this tour. The sky
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Although the aurora forecast is moderately high (4/9) for this evening, the cloud coverage is too thick and unlikely that the lights will show through.
Tour status: CANCELLED
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The weather out on the bay tonight is not in our favor and the cloud forecast is not looking great either..
Tour status: CANCELLED
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The northern lights activity forecast for tonight looks promising (3/9)! We are however expecting a little bit of cloud coverage tonight, which will hopefully clear up during the course of the evening.
Tour status: Running
Sightings: The sky was nearly covered with clou
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Aurora activity is quite low tonight (2/9) and cloud- and sea conditions are not looking too great.
Tour status: CANCELLED
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Cloud forecast and sea conditions are not looking to great and aurora activity this evening is low (2/9).
Tour status: CANCELLED
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The aurora activity prediction this evening is quite high (4/9)! The cloud coverage also seems to have become thinner than was predicted, so we will be going out tonight :)
Tour status: RUNNING
Sightings: The sky was mostly overcast as we headed out into the bay in hope of s
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Cloud forecast is not looking to great and aurora activity this evening is low (2/9).
Tour status: CANCELLED, due to bad visibility
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Cloud forecast is not looking to great and aurora activity this evening is low (2/9).
Tour status: CANCELLED, due to bad visibility
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Although the aurora forecast is moderately high (4/9) for this evening, we will have to evaluate further this afternoon as apparantly there is high chance of thick cloud coverage.
Tour status: CANCELLED, the cloud coverage is too thick in order go out tonight.
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The aurora activity is moderate for the night and the weather conditions good.
Tour status: RUNNING
Sightings: We were pleasently surprised this evening because just a couple of minutes leaving the harbour we had our first glimpses of the northern lights. Then stayed with us
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We are quite excited as this is the first tour this winter. It's partly cloudy but but auroral activity very good. It's currently windy but it's supposed to calm down for tonight.
Tour status: RUNNING
Sightings: It looked very promising this evening as we headed out into Fax