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Whale diary

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The sun was peaking out from the clouds as we headed out this evening. After sailing for about a hour we spotted a Minke Whale. The animal surfaced 2-3 times before it took a deeper dive and after we searched for some time we decided to head further as it

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The sky was fairly cloudy above us but far in the west we could see clear sky where luckily this was where the sun was about to set. Plus fantastic sea conditions made for a great tour even without any whales. But of course we had some great sightings thi

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: This evening was very calm and conditions were good as we headed out into the bay for the sixth and final time today. We had to go quite far out this evening as with previous tours. Our search began where we had seen minkes the last time around and we hop

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The weather had improved considerably as the day wore on and this evening we had near perfect conditions. The skies were overcast and the wind was quite calm. We decided to start out by heading towards where the basking shark seen on previous tours had be

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Hafsúlan: It was getting a little windier and colder but it did at least not rain on us when we sailed out into the midnight sun. We sailed for over two hours without any sightings accept from a few sea birds flying around, then we spotted a blow or a splash comi

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: It looked rather cloudy as we headed out this evening and very soon during our trip we had a few minutes of refreshing rain before the sky cleared up a little bit and we managed to see some sun glares in the distance. We sailed for over two hours with out

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The sun was slowly setting, but piercing through the clouds randomly throughout the tour. The wind had settled down, leaving the bay in calm conditions -perfect for whale watching. Already early on many splashes ahead of us made us aware of the presence o

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The weather was excellent as we headed out this evening. The seas were calm and the visibility stunning. After about an hour, we spotted some splashes in the distance which turned out to be produced by leaping white-beaked dolphins. We spent a good amount

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Hafsúlan: we sailed out with one of the biggest midnight tour passenger number we have ever had and the midnight sun greeted us as we did. However, we were slightly concerned as for the past few days the midnight tour has not experienced too good sightings. Howev

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    Tour at 2030

    Report from Elding: We sailed out on a calm and beautiful Faxaflói tonight. As we went through many areas searching for whales, the sky was nicely lit by the midnight sun and we had a stunning look at the Snæfellsjökull glacier. However, it was not very lively in the bay. Two

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The skies were beautifully lid up when we sailed out into Faxa Bay. The mind-blowing visibility granted us the best look at Snaefellsjokull while the sun was setting in a firework of reds, yellows and oranges. Towards Reykjavik a rainbow coloured the skie

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    Tour at 20:30

    Is Unfortunately cancelled due to unfavourable weather. Sorry for the inconvenience and contact us is you need more information either by stopping by the office, sending us an email ( or calling us on +354 519 5000 for more information.

    Tour at 17:00

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The weather was nice as we headed out on the bay tonight as the winds had calmed down. It did not take us long to find the first minke whales. There were around three of them. They were feeding in the surface, lunging and even rolling, surfacing frequentl

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The wind was about the same as the 17:00 tour but the swell had increased a little and everyone tested their sea legs. It took us longer to find the whales on this tour, but with patience and determination we found one minke whale and it surfaced many tim

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: we market the midnight tour as 'Whales in the Midnight Sun' but sometimes the whales are missing and sometimes the midnight sun is. Tonight, however, we had both and on a grand scale at that! We started off after close to an hour of searching in just as g

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: As we headed out into the bay for our midnight tour it was still fairly windy and the lighting conditions made it difficult to spot animals in the water. Nevertheless, some of our very talented spotters found a pod of White-Beaked Dolphins. They would hav

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    Unfortunately due to weather we need to cancel the tours at 10am, 1pm, 2pm, 5pm and 8:30pm. Please stop by the office, send us an email ( or call +354 519 5000 for more information.

    Tour at 09:00

    Report from Elding: Once again we sailed from Grindavík on the south c

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    Unfortunately due to weather we need to cancel the tours at 10am, 2pm, 5pm and 8:30pm. Please stop by the office, send us an email ( or call +354 519 5000 for more information.

    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Elding: Again, we left from Grindavík. We had a delay caused by

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    Tour at 20:30

    Unfortunately due to unfavourable weather conditions in Faxaflói Bay we have cancelled the evening tour, Whales in the Midnight Sun.


    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Elding: We left the harbour in Grindavík with high hopes - to find the orcas o humpback whales

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    Tour at 20:30

    Unfortunately due to unfavourable weather conditions we have cancelled the 20:30 tour today. Please call +354 519 5000 or send us an email via for more information.

    Tour at 17:00

    Unfortunately due to unfavourable weather conditions we have canc