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Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Tuesday, 28 may 2024

Today we will be operating our Classic Whale Watching on our lovely vessel Eldey at 9:00, 13:00 & 17:00 and our Premium Whale Watching on Þruma at 10:00, 11:00, 14:00 & 15:00.

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00, 17:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 10:00, 11:00, 14:00, 15:00


Report from Eldey: The weather was fabulous this morning with almost no wind. A few minutes into our trip we found a 1 pod of about 20 white beaked dolphins. While we were observing them we were pleasantly surprised when a humpback whale showed up in the middle, and it came up twice before going for a deeper dive. We saw the humpback a few more times while still watching the dolphins and then we carried on. We carried on and eventually we saw another smaller pod of about 5 dolphins. We continued our journey and we found 7 minke whales and about 20-30 white beaked dolphins. The dolphins were super active, with one of them doing a lot of tail slaps and another even gave us an acrobatic exhibition. On the way home we were able to see 2 harbor porpoises, a couple more minkes and another pod of about 5 white beaked dolphins. 

- Mariana Veloso 


Report from Eldey: This afternoon the sea continued to be as perfect as in the morning. Cutting the surface, we sailed out once more to find our favorite animals, still thrilled about the previous tour. We had our first encounter when we haven't left the whole harbour yet. There was a minke whale with us! Beautiful and actively feeding, this minke lunge fed, creating a big splash. We continued our trip and it didn't take long at all when we saw a couple of dorsal fins on our front. A small pod of 4 white-beaked dolphins showed up, very calmly. We had a feeling that we could find even more so we continued. The feeling was right and we found a bigger pod of dolphins, about 10 of them around! Before getting to these ones, we spotted on our side 3 harbour porpoises, very fast. After the porpoises and spending time with the dolphins, we went more far out in the bay. It was the most impressive part of the tour for me: about 12 minke whales popping up, at the same time in many different directions. The sea as very flat, so we could spot every single one of them. We got a bit closer and they sometimes popped up right next to us, as we could hear and... smell them! At the same area, a 3rd pod of dolphins, with about 20 dolphins showed up! A small part of this group, with 5 individuals, was always together, mating and splashing around, it was incredible to see such behaviours of how close they were to each other. Others around decided to jump repeated times, ending this tour in a beautiful way. What an afternoon, really!

- Milla Brandao


Report from Eldey: The tours during the day were already amazing, and our evening tour did not disappoint. However, we had a small treat: light rain during most of the tour, making us get the overalls and raincoats and bags for our cameras and binos! It was totally worth it: right when we left the harbour, we saw the same minke whale from the last tour, still feeding very actively. Continuing, we spotted another minke, and this gave us certain that the bay was still very active, as we also saw 10 harbour porpoises passing by, cutting the surface. We spotted a fluke in the distance and we couldn't believe it until we decided to check it out. And then the surprise: a humpback whale that popped up right next to us!! What a sighting! This whale continued to be very close, with slow movements, and we enjoyed in silence, listening to its breathing and seeing it going for short deep dives. It popped up again on our front, opening up big smiles, as big as this individual. We also spotted another minke a bit far, and then sailing out a bit more, we passed by another minke that was extremely close to us, and in total we saw about 4 individuals in this tour. We saw we were running out of time, and we decided to come back to Reykjavik, enjoying the smooth seas on the way home.

- Alex Paumier

Bird species seen today include:

Atlantic puffin, Northern gannet, Arctic skua,,Pomeranian skua, Northern fulmar, black guillemot, common guillemot, eider duck, black legged kittiwake, herring gull, great black backed gull, lesser black backed gull, manx shearwater, Arctic tern