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Whale diary

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    Tour at 13.00 Report from Elding. We sailed out of Sandgerði harbour in not very nice weather. It was windy and pouring with rain. However, it wasn´t long before we saw a Humpback Whale in the distance. It was great as it showed his/her tail many times. We watched this humpie for a while unt

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Elding. Today we went from Sandgerði, it was a beautiful day, very sunny but cold however using our overalls you would make you feel pretty warm and toasty. The first thing we spotted just as we were leaving the port was a grey seal, it popped up a few times and we coul

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan. We sailed out today from Hafnafjörður on a blustery day but the land sheltered us from most of it. The weather was interchangable too as we had it all sun, snow, hail, rain, sun again. It is incredible here in Iceland to see the weather change so much within s

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    Tour at 13.00 Report from Elding. We sailed out from Hafnafjorður in relatively good weather, well it didn´t rain which is always good. It was quite cold and windy but we only really felt that at the end of the tour when we started to head back to hafnafjörður. We got to see a wonderful pod of W

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out again from Hafnafjörður as this was were the sea state was at its best. It was beautiful today with the dark dynamic skies, rainbows,  snow capped mountains, great visibility and fresh crisp air and of course the low lying winter sun with

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: Once again the weather was not the best. Typical Icelandic winters when it´s either warm but raining or very cold and beautiful. For me at least it´s the very cold beautiful days I prefer. Still we all had a lot of fun playing games seeing who could

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan We sailed out today in not very nice weather from Hafnafjörður. It rained for most of the tour but for the first half it was ok as we sailed with the wind making it very pleasant sailing. On the way to Hafnafjöður however we did start to feel the rain a bit mor

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out today again from Sandgerði and ended the tour in Hafnafjörður. The weather wasn´t the greatest today as it rained for most the tour and the sea was a little bit rough but as soon as we sailed around the headland the rain seemed to stop

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out from Sandgerði today which is located at the end of the Reykjanes Peninsula a little bit further on than Keflavík International Airport. We have been wanted to sail from there for a while but unfortunately the weather hasn´t allowed us

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsulan: We sailed out once again from Hafnafjörður with very high hopes due to yesterday´s fantastic tour. However, nature wouldn´t be nature without it´s unpredictability because it had all left the building, not even a porpoise. We had quite a lot of birds and we

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: WHOO HOO! We sailed out today from Hafnafjöður in mirror calm seas albeit a bit of a swell today. The rain stayed off us too for most of the tour too which is always nice. After a hard and tiring couple of months of not too much to show our passengers (

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Elding: We sailed out from Reykjavik today in beautiful weather, great visibility to the point of seeing Snæfellsness in the distance, blue skies, calm seas. We even had mirror calm seas for about 30 minutes before the winds came in. The sunset was also lovely until