
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Whale diary

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00

    Our tour at 13:00 today has been cancelled. For more info contact us via email at or by phone at +354 519 5000.

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00

    Our tour at 13:00 today has been cancelled. For more info contact us via email at or by phone at +354 519 5000.

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00

    Our tour at 13:00 today has been cancelled. For more info contact us via email at or by phone at +354 519 5000.

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00
    Our tour at 13:00 today has been cancelled. For more info contact us via email at or by phone at +354 519 5000.

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00
    Our tour at 13:00 today has been cancelled. For more info contact us via email at or by phone at +354 519 5000.

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00
    Due to unfavorable sea conditions, our tour at 13:00 today has been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand that this decision was made with that in

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00

    Due to unfavorable sea conditions, our tour at 13:00 today has been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand that this decision

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: As recent days we are experiencing low numbers of tourists, to reduce pollution, we joined forces with Special Tours and we took everyone for a ride on the same boat. Icelandic weather did not ac

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00

    Due to unfavorable sea conditions, our tour at 13:00 today has been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand that this decision

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: With winds coming from the Southeast today, it made for a pleasant and sunny winters day to be out on the ocean. With white caps around, spotting conditions were not ideal, but

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: A strong wind was blowing from the North accompanied by some snow and swell making it a true winters sailing right from the beginning. We explored the Eastern part of Faxafloi

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: With winds still strong but the sun also shining brightly, we sailed out once more this afternoon. Of course we began our search where we had seen the minke whale on our mornin

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: Well, as we just wrote in our previous diary, things can change rapidly when you work with nature. The snow had seized and clouds were breaking apart here and there, so we coul

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: It was great to be out on the water, fresh air and incredible landscape to keep our minds distracted from the troubles at home. We photographed the mountains, the seabirds and

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: Sunny sailing continues! Blue skies and snowy mountains surrounding us with a crispy winter's wind blowing as we headed out to Faxafloi this afternoon. We set the course toward

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: Blue skies and sunshine on the afternoon tour. The weather was even better than in the morning, with the wind in our back as we sailed out on our second mission of the day. We

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00 Report from Elding: After the previous tour we had no doubts about which area we should go in our Faxafloi bay. Everything went according to plan. Once we got to the area where we found our humpback whale in

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00

    Due to unfavorable sea conditions, our tour at 13:00 today has been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand that this decision

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: Wonderful winter afternoon what we had today! The starting of the tour was amazing with some good winds and sunshine joining our path. The outside deck was properly cold, but t

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE| 13:00

    Report from Eldey: And the lucky strike continues today! What a wonderful tour this has been. The winds were supposed to pick up for the afternoon, but thanks to the unpredictability of Iceland that ne