Whale diary

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: What a tour, two Fin Whales (second largest whale after the Blue Whale), Minke Whales and White-beaked Dolphins. We headed very far offshore on this tour. After about 40-50 minutes of sailing, one of the passengers started pointing. We waited for a li

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    Tour at 17:00

    A very long but beautiful tour. We started at Puffin Island and like the last tour there was maybe a couple at home, most either in their burrows or out at sea feeding. We then headed very far out to same area as the last tour with Hafsulan. We did see a couple of  Harbour P

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind had picked up quite a bit on this tour but still it was relatively smooth sailing in the bay. We started at Puffin Island and once again not disappointed with hundreds waddling about the island. We then headed offshore to the main area of the day. We did spot someWh

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    Tour at 1700

    Report from Hafsúlan: After the great first tours today we sailed again into the bay. But sometimes it is strange how the marine life is changing in a few hours. On this tour we were searching for a very long time but unfortunately we could not find any bigger Whales. On the

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Hafsúla The wind had picked up a little bit this evening when we sailed out. The puffins were at home in Akurey when we took our stop there. We searched for a very long time now. We saw few harbour porpoises fast swimming away from us twice. The wind was blowing

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    Tour at 1700 The first evening tour and it was great. It was alot nicer to have 9 passengers onboard to have more one to one contact and talk more with each. We headed very far offshore and saw many blows most likely of Minke Whales during the duration of this tour but again we only saw blows

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    Tours at 13:00 & 9:00

    Unfortunately we have cancelled all tours today due to a storm

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    Tour at 13.00

    Unfortunetly we had to cancel the whale watching tour at 13.00 due to a storm out at sea. The office is open till 15.00 today so please come down to the old harbour or ring us if you require further information. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


    Tour at 9.00

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    Tour at 1300

    After the morning tour we were exited if the Minke Whales might be easier to watch but before we headed further out into the bay we stopped again at Akurey too look at the Puffins. Once we came to the area were we usually spot whales we started the tour with a small pod of Ha

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    Tour at 1300

    It was raining when this tour started but it wasn´t long before it stopped again. This tour was also very productive with the wildlife. Not only did we see 3 or 4 Minkes but also many Harbour Porpoises and plunging Gannets and Puffins swimming on the waters surface. A great w

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    Tour at 1300

    What a tour, best tour in a long time with Minke Whales (at least 10-15 individuals we saw throughout the tour) surfacing in all directions and distances, Harbour Porpoises skimming the waters in their little groups and Gannets plunging into the water a meter or two from the

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    Tour at 0900

    The perfect day for Whale Watching, not only was the weather beautiful but the whales were in abundance. Saw many Harbour Porpoises surfacing everywhere and about 2 Minke Whales one that we went back to at the end of the tour because he/she was coming so close to the boat jus

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    Tour at 1300

    We started in to the absolute calm Faxaflói Bay in a beautiful sunshine and just a little bit more wind than we had this morning. We could see both peninsular and the glacier far out in the bay. After we sailed for a bit into this calm and beautiful bay we came in an area wit

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    Tour at 1300

    Report from Elding: Having high hopes after the morning tour we headed straight towards the same area again were we spotted so many Minke Whales in the morning. The weather was still great, the sky was clear and we had a lot of sun but still it was windy and the waves moved o

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    Tour at 1300

    The weather was still nice but again alittle cold, we headed to the same area as this morning and at last on the way we saw many Harbour Porpoises, saw some surfacing only a meter of two from the boat and you could see them clearly surfing the swells. We saw a quick glimpse o

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    Tour at 1300

    Again we sailed in a wonderful sunshine into the calm Faxaflói Bay. Just the wind got a little bit more and it was a bit more choppy this afternoon. It cleared up even more, so we could see the Glacier far away in the Bay. Again we did not sail very long until we found the fi

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    Tour at 1300

    The wind had picked up a little on this tour so it was quite chilly so more of our passengers made use of the free overall and blankets we have onboard. The whales were more difficult on this tour too but we got to see three species. First it was Harbour Porpoises which were

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    Tour at 1300

    Again we started into the beautiful Faxaflói Bay in brilliant weather. The afternoon even the swell was less than in the morning and it did not take us a very long time to find the first Harbor Porpoises. To find the first Minke Whale of the afternoon tour we had to search a

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    Tour at 1300

    Even it looked like it could start to rain every minute the tour was mostly try, the only thing that could have been better was the swell that moved our boat up and down. Compared to the morning tour we had to search for a bit longer until we found our first Minke Whale. Agai

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    Tour at 1300

    Once again we departed from Keflavík and ended the tour in Reykjavík. It was a long long tour but we really wanted to stay out a bit longer and search from these whales were ever they may be. We eventually got to the area where we saw Minke Whales and a Humpback Whale yesterd