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Whale diary

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    Eldey boat sailing at sea.
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    The afternoon tour was a smooth sailing after a windy morning. We saw a humpback whale that surfaced incredibly close to the boat many times. We got a great look at the individual which seemed incredibly curious. Great tour!

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    Eldey boat sailing at sea.
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    We continue quite far in the bay but nothing was happening. We came a bit closer from the coast in the south of the bay and it is after 2 hours of our tour than we finally saw the blow made by a humpback whale. We approach to see the animal really relaxed, surfacing many times.

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    Eldey boat sailing at sea.
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    Many enjoyed seeing the cute puffins around also. Unfortunately at this time the wind and waves were getting stronger so we made the decision to head home early. This is definitely Icelands weather at its best, changing its mind in the last minute. We offered our passengers complimentary tickets

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    Eldey boat sailing at sea.
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    We counted at least 5 humpback whales seen from faraway. We could clearly approach one that we saw nicely fluke diving a few times and even rolling on its back to have both pectoral fins in the air. A minke whale was also in the area, a bit more discret than the humpbacks.

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    Eldey boat sailing at sea.
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    We saw many whales during this tour but they where hard to approach and to show to our passengers. In total we have seen 5-6 humpback whales and 1 minke whale. We could approach and show to our passengers 3 of these humpback whales.

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    Eldey boat sailing at sea.
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    The seabird life was so abundant , this usually means there is a lot of food in the bay but the whales were very few, however we did see all 4 of our usually species; 1 humpback whale, 1 minke whale, 3 small pods of 2-5 white-beaked dolphins and 2 harbour porpoises.

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    eldey at sea
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    Very rare conditions for us here in Iceland. We encountered a super easy going humpback whale, we could even just turn off the engines and have them off for about 20minutes whilst the chilled humpback surfaced around us. As it was just mainly travelling at the surface it didn't really show its fluke well. We had one nice high fluke that many got to capture on their phones/cameras.

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    Finally we had flat calm seas on today's tour, we could go fast and for miles in these conditions. It was only on the way back that the wind picked up and the rain started. We got to see at least 4 different minke whales and 4 white-beaked dolphins; two mothers and two calves. All were very easy to spot in these flat sea conditions and the seabirds were a lot of fun too.

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    Friday 28 August
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    We were lucky with the whales today and we were able to see 3 species, about 5-8 scattered harbour porpoises, 2 minke whales and 1 humpback whale. However it was mainly the crew that saw the porpoises and minkes.  We even smelt the fishy breath of the minke that sometimes is brought over the boat with the wind.

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    It was super nice to head out into the bay of faxaflói with calm seas, there was a little rain but not enough to get us too wet. There were two humpback whales and one minke whale that we encountered today but the minke was only seen once by the crew, the humpbacks were good though, one in particular that showed the fluke a few times but they were super chilled out and allowed us to get close.

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    We still decided to go out and give it our best and the bay was actually full of life. We saw a small pod of about 4 white-beaked dolphins, a minke whale and a humpback whale, however the minke only surfaced once, humpback which was more a grumpy humpy and only surfaced a few times and never showed the fluke.

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    eldey at sea
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    We started with a stop at Engey, to observe the atlantic puffins gathering on the islands near Reykjavik. We went further in the bay looking for cetaceans. There was flocks of birds which are generally good sign and interesting to watch but there was no whales. We continued our tour until we finally found a humpback whale.

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    It was heading away from us at an angle so we first thought it was a minke whale, very strange for it to have such a visible blow/spout though and the behaviour was also a little odd for a minke. We were utterly confused. Suddenly the whale turned and surfaced next to us showing us its body, there we could distinguish that in fact it was a very rare sighting of a sei whale!

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    Unfortunately the whale was gone. We search as much as we could in different areas and came back to observe the puffins on Lundey. Because we didn't see the whales we offered to our passengers a complimentary ticket that allow them to come back on a classic tour.

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    Unfortunately no whales where seen during the tour. I could spot 1 white-beaked dolphin surfacing one time that immediately disappeared. We tried our best to find the whales but we were not able to find them. We offered complimentary tickets to our passengers, those tickets enabling them to come back in the next 2 years.

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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    Due to unfavourable sea conditions, all our tours today have been cancelled! The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand that this decision was made with that in mind. For more info contact us via email at or by phone at +354 519 5000.


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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    No tours available today, make sure to prebook and join us another day this week instead!

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    Tuesday 31 August
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    Unfortunately, there were no sightings, they were very sneaky today and didn't even give us a glimpse. We offered our passengers complimentary tickets to try again either in Reykjavik or Akureyri anytime in next few years. We hope that next time the whales are more in the mood for people watching. 

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    Monday 9 August
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    We continued to scan the sea looking for whale activity but all we could find was many arctic terns feeding on the sea surface. We went back and gave to our passengers a complimentary ticket to have the opportunity to come back on our boats for free to see the whales in Reykjavík or in Akureyri.

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    After an hour we had our first sighting. A minke whale surfaced a few times before disappearing. We went further and saw a humpback whale, very calmy swimming. After one deep dive it reappeared further resting at the surface during a short time. We could see the splashes made by another humpback whale breaching one time far away.