
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Whale diary

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: The day continued to be a good one sea state wise and we were also lucky to not have any rain and even see the sun rays through the clouds. We saw a whole field full of harbour porpoises

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: This was quite a fantastic ending of our 5'clock tours this season. It didn't take us long to spot a myriad of sea life. We were surrounded by harbour porpoises and minke

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey:  Speechless!! No words can describe the beauty of this tour. Even for us who do this on a daily basis this was an incredible tour and we could not think of a better way fo

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: Winds were still blowing freshly from the north east but conditions were similar to our previous tours so of course we headed back out into Faxafloi. Less than 40 minutes into

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: With the wind picking up, we got a true icelandic sailing experience. We sailed straight out heading to the same aerias where we had encountered cetaceans previously today. Aft

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The weather held up during this tour, providing quite a comfortable ride. This journey was a proper "whale parade". By the end of tour we saw at least 7 minke whales

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00 Report from Eldey: The weather was going better and better during the day. The sea was completely flat and the sun showed up, the light was beautiful. We quickly saw a first pod of harbour porpoises, and a minut

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The weather remained rather pleasant, with gaps in the clouds allowing the sunshine to come through and the wind being calm enough for the surface of the ocean to be wit

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: In true Icelandic style, the weather completely changed from the previous tour : Now clouds were covering the bay and we were sprinkled with rain. Therefore we of course provid

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The weather was better than during the previous tour, we had a bit of sun and the wind was cold only during the way back. We had some difficulties to find the whales but our patience payed. At th

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The sea conditions were even calmer on this tour, so we had more less smooth sailing the whole three hours in beautiful lighting. The birds in the bay were plentiful and so were the whales. We ma

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey:We had some rain at the beginning of the tour but it quickly stopped. The wind was picking up during the tour and was really strong at the end during the way back. But it was a wind from the south

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     TOUR CANCELLED | at 17:00

    Unfortunately the wind is picking up so we have to cancel our tour at 17:00. For more infomation or to reschedule your tour, please contact our ticket office by email or by

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     TOUR CANCELLED | at 13:00 and 17:00

    Due to stormy weather conditions tour at 13 has been cancelled. For more information please contact our office by phone at +354 519 5000 or by email 


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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The sea was stil looking beautiful, flat and shiny under a bright big sun. The sailing was pleasant as we were exploring the bay. We had to bo patience until we encounter our first minke whale! U

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      TOUR CANCELLED | at 09:00, 13:00 and 17:00

    Due to stormy weather conditions tours at 9, 13 and 17 have been cancelled. For more information please contact our office by phone at +354 519 5000 or by email 

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | at 13:00 and 17:00

    Due to unfavorable weather conditions, our tours at 13:00 and 17:00 are cancelled today. For more info contact us at or by phone at +354 519 5000

    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 09:00

    -Report from Eldey:

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     TOUR CANCELLED | at 9:00, 13:00 and 17:00

    Due to unfavorable weather conditions, our tours at 9:00 / 13:00 / 17:00 are cancelled today. For more info contact us at or by phone at +354 519 5000

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     TOUR CANCELLED | at 9:00 and 13:00 & 17:00

    Due to unfavorable weather conditions, tour at 9:00, 13.00 & 17:00 is cancelled today. For more info contact us at or by phone at +354 519 5000

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The ocean looked really calm, although the wind from the north kept us with the goose pumps the entire trips. We could really fell how north we are here in Iceland. We were sai