Whale diary

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    Tours at 13:00 & 14:00 & 17:00 & 20:30

    Tours cancelled today due to strong wind in Faxaflói bay.


    Tour at 10:00

    Report from Elding: Absolutely amazing tour! We started a Akurey and found ourselves in the middle of many Puffins flying around and then once we got out

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    Tour at 20.30

    We headed out to Faxaflói in a really calm and warm weather. Only after few minuets we saw the first minke whale. It surfaced many many times in front of us and we could see how it was following the food! For a moment we lost it, but a little later, suddenly we saw it JUMPIN

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: At Akurey on the way out it was the same as it was on the tour before, only few Puffins around and it was rather difficult with the whales as well to begin with. Perfect weather, calm sea and so peaceful. We had to search for a long time and go really far

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    Tout at 20:30

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    Tout at 17:00

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    Tour at 14:00

    We sailed out on Elding this time, clouds were gone and the sun had started to shine. We started the trip with a visit in Akurey. This time we didn't see many Puffins on the island

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    Tour at 20:30

    We started the tour at Akurey to see the Puffins and there were lots to be seen. As we were leaving the island we noticed a strange moving shape on the waters surface which seemed out of place. Off we ran to get a better look in the binoculars and too our amazement we found

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    Tour at 20:30

    The weather was really beautiful when we headed out this evening. Not so many puffins at home at Akurey, but at least few of them :) After a short time in Faxaflói we spotted our first minke whale! This one was really nice surfacing many many times in front of the boat, only

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    Tour at 20:30

    We started the tour by visiting the Puffin Island but we didn't find many birds there. Then we headed further out in search for whales. We spotted a blow in the distance and went right away into that area. When we came closer we realised there were 2 Minke Whales there, a ca

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    Tour at 20:30

    One of my favourite tours of the day with the beautiful midnight sun. Again we started at Akurey but very few at home, hopefully snuggled up in their borrows. We went to a different area on this tour as the last couple of tours were difficult but the result was pretty much t

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    Tout at 20:30

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    Tour at 17:00


    The wind had picket up a lot when we sailed out from Reykjavík again. It took us a long time to find the whales this time and they were also very difficult to get close to. We saw many blows from 3-4 minke whales but it

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    Tour at 20:30

    OMG!!! What a fun tour! A big group of girls from the UK definitely made this tour into the party boat of the century. What made it even better were the Minke Whales. After about 40 minutes of sailing we saw a massive flock of feeding seabirds in the distance and beneath the

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    Tour at 20:30

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    Tour at 17:00

    Starting the tour on Lundey, we were surprised to find many Puffins not home. We found them once we came into the bay though: A big flock of them far away from their colony, no doubt looking for some sandeel for their young on

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    Tour at 20:30

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    Tour at 17:00

    First we headed out to Lundey and spotted a lot of puffins this evening. Afterwards we went straight out to the whale watching area. First we spotted a blow and then also the Minke Whale. We could follow this whale for quite s

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    Tour at 20:30

    We sailed straight out to Faxaflói bay, it didn't take us long until we spotted a large flock of feeding birds, lots of gannets diving as well. And in that group we spotted a blow, when we came closer we spotted 2 minke whales surfacing next to the birds, and after a while w

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    Tour at 20:30

    We headed straight out to Faxaflói in this sunny evening. In a short time we found a group of breaching white beaked dolphins!!! Once we got closer they stopped breaching but they were swimming very close to us and under the boat! SO NICE! Then when we were observing the dol

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    Tour at 20:30

    Best tour I've seen this summer. We first found a small pod of Harbour Porpoises but they didn't stay with us long. We then found a pod of at least 15-20 scattered White-beaked Dolphins jumping, breaching, head slapping the waters surface. They must have been feeding by watc

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    Tour at 20.30

    What a nice tour! The midnight sun was very beautiful this lovely afternoon where we headed out to Akurey. Not so many puffins at home tonight but we saw at least few of them flying around us. Then we headed out to search for the whales. We spotted a big blow far far away, a

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    Tour at 20:30

    We sailed straight out to Faxaflói bay in a beautiful weather, early on we spotted a blow in the distance but didn't find it again so we headed on. After a while we spotted our first minke whale, surfaced 3 times before disappearing. The blows from the whales tonight were ju

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    Tour at 20:30

    We started out by going to see the beautiful Puffins in Akurey. Again they were so many around the island and after staying there for a little while we headed on. We sailed out of the mist that came during the middle of the day when we headed further out and the sea was very

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    Tour at 20.30

    The sun was still shining when we headed out to Akurey to visit the puffins. We saw a lot of puffins around the island tonight so it was a very nice start of the tour. Then we sailed for some time before we found our first minke whale! We sailed little bit closer and could t

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    Tour at 20:30

    WHAT A TOUR!!, the sunset was one of the best, stunningly beautiful. We started at Akurey saw the Puffins then we saw a Minke Whale really close to land. If you were standing on land at Grótta you would of been able to see this Minke Whale. Then we saw a pod of Harbour Porpo