Whale diary

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    The morning tour was cancelled due to weather, but we sailed in the afternoon, and what a time we had! We hit the water with the wind in our hair and the sun shining bright. After about 20 minutes, we spotted two humpback whales, fluking like crazy! We also got a surprise visit from a couple of harbour seals popping up beside us!

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    humpback whale
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    Today’s tours featured a delightful juvenile humpback whale. In the morning, we spotted it outside the islands, thrilling everyone with a fluke dive. In the afternoon, braving the rain and swell, we returned to find the same juvenile and spent plenty of time at the surface and even came close to the boat, giving us an unforgettable close-up.

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    humpback whale dorsal fin
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    This morning, we spotted a shy humpback whale near Viðey island, diving long and far until it surprised us by surfacing close to the boat, showing off its white pectoral fins and fluke. In the afternoon, we returned to the same spot and found the same humpback whale, now logging. We also caught a quick glimpse of a curious harbour seal!

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    humpback whale near viðey
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    In the morning, we spotted a small, active humpback whale near Viðey island, starting with rest before feeding and showing off multiple fluke dives. We also encountered a lively pod of 15 white-beaked dolphins, including 3-4 calves, one just days old! In the afternoon, we found a humpback whale near the cruise ship harbour and a curious harbour seal!

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    humpback whale
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    In the morning, we saw the erupting volcano near the Blue Lagoon, but despite searching near Hafnarfjörður and beyond, the whales proved elusive, so we issued complimentary tickets. The afternoon brought better luck as we spotted a juvenile humpback whale. After teasing us with shallow dives, it finally fluked beautifully into the sunset.

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    humpback whales lunge feeding
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    This morning, we were very lucky to have nice calm seas and a beautiful sunrise. We were enjoying amazing views of the newly erupting volcano when a humpback whale breached right in front of us! When it resurfaced, it did so with a friend! In the afternoon the pair were seen lunge feeding and we had an incredible sunset on our way back home!

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    humpback whale
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    On the morning tour we sailed out to Hafnarfjörður where we found the 2 humpback whales from yesterday, and on our way home we saw 6 fast travelling harbour porpoises! The afternoon tour had a fantastic view of the eruption and again found the 2 feeding humpback whales near Hafnarfjörður, showing us many fluke dives and pec slaps!

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    humpback whales lunge feeding
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    We spotted 4 adorable seals this cold morning and were treated to a beautiful sight of the latest volcano but unfortunately we saw no cetaceans.. so we issued complimentary tickets to all on board. In the afternoon, our luck turned as we spotted 7 swift harbour porpoises before finding 2 lunge-feeding humpback whales near Hafnarfjörður!

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    humpback whale fluke
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    The morning was chilly, but after about 40 minutes, we spotted a humpback whale! As we waited for it to resurface, we also saw a minke whale nearby. The afternoon started off chilly with some snow falling, and after a while we found a humpback whale and a pod of 4-5 harbour porpoises that popped up briefly, swimming alongside us.

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    humpback whale near land
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    In the morning, we enjoyed a stunning sunrise as we spotted a calm and graceful humpback whale just off Viðey island. In the afternoon, under bright sunshine, we encountered a shy juvenile humpback whale teasing us with brief surfaces. But just as we were heading back, it stole the show with an incredible breach right in front of the boat.

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    humpback whale
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    Today's tours featured incredible encounters with a humpback whale near Viðey island! In the morning, we watched this whale breach and perform fluke dives, surrounded by over 100 seabirds and 3 surfacing harbour porpoises. The afternoon brought a curious harbour seal and the same humpback as before, this time resting and feeding.

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    humpback whale fluke
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    After a full week of cancelled tours, we were finally able to sail out into the bay! In the morning, we spotted a humpback whale, then a surprise minke whale surfaced nearby, followed by a curious harbour seal. In the afternoon, both the minke whale and the humpback reappeared, providing fantastic sightings close to the harbour.

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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00

    Due to unfavorable conditions, all our whale watching tours from Reykjavík have been cancelled today!

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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00

    Due to unfavorable conditions, all our whale watching tours from Reykjavík have been cancelled today!

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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00

    Due to unfavourable conditions, all our whale watching tours from Reykjavík have been cancelled today!

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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00

    Due to unfavourable conditions, all our whale watching tours from Reykjavík have been cancelled today!

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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00

    Due to unfavourable conditions, all our whale watching tours from Reykjavík have been cancelled today!

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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00
    Due to unfavourable conditions, all our whale watching tours from Reykjavík have been cancelled today!
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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00

    Due to unfavourable conditions, all our whale watching tours from Reykjavík have been cancelled today!

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    humpback whale
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    After a cancelled morning tour, we sailed into the bay and spotted a small pod of 2-4 playful white-beaked dolphins swimming close and feeding around us. As we continued, fog enveloped us, leading us to an amazing sighting of 3 humpback whales including Neila, Pep, and a mystery companion all calm and coming very close to our boat.