Whale diary

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    Tour at 17:00

    We started this tour in Lundey Puffin Island where there were a few puffins around. Then we sailed out to Faxaflói and had to search for quite a long time before we found a Minke Whale. There were two of them in the same area but they were a little bit difficult to follow, b

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather was the same when we headed out again.  And this time we spotted three species. First a small group of Harbour porpoises crossed our path. Then, a little bit further out a very nice group of White-beaked dolphins. They surfaced all around us even though they had

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    Tour at 17:00

    With 50 lovely passengers in very good whale watching mood we sailed out to Faxaflói bay. The weather was still very nice so the only thing we needed was some whales in a good mood. Very close to shore we spotted a small group of Harbour porpoises. They only surfaced a few t

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    Tour at 17:00

    Again we started out by heading straight out into Faxaflói bay. First we came a cross Minke Whales that were very difficult and after that we had to search for a while, we spotted several different Minke Whales and blows from them but they were very difficult only surfacing

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    Tour at 17.00

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    Tour at 14.00

    Again we sailed out in sunny weather and started this tour by sailing straight out to Faxaflói. After sailing for about 45 minutes we spotted the first Minke Whale but since there were many boats in the area we decided to go a

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind picked up a little but the day was still wonderful. We started at Lundey and unfortunately didn´t see many there, but there were loads of Gulls, Kittiwakes, Eider Ducks and a couple of Skuas. We then sailed out into Faxaflói Bay and briefly saw a small pod of Harbou

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    Tour at 17:00

    We started at the Puffin island Lundey but there were not so many Puffins there. On our way out to the bay we spotted a Minke Whale very close to shore. This Minke whale was in a very good mood. Came very close and surfacing regularly. Then we headed further out to the bay.

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    Tour at 17:00

    It was quite windy and it was raining cats and dogs when we headed out to Faxaflói bay looking for whales. After searching for some time we found an area with lots of diving Gannets, and I mean lots. Many hundreds of them. And in this area we spotted also many Minke Whales,

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    Tour at 17:00

    We started today’s tour with a stop in the Puffin colony Lundey where we spotted some Puffins there were not so many on the island itself but there were some sitting at the surface around the Island and also flying around, we also spotted some Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Lesser Bla

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    Tour at 17:00

    We kept the same routine during this tour as the other tours to begin with the Puffin colony and we went to Lundey. There were not as many Puffins on the Island this time but some of them were flying around the island along with Kittiwakes, Arctic Skuas, Lesser Black-backed

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather conditions pretty much stayed the same throughout the tour. We started the tour at Lundey and saw many Puffins. It then took us over an hour to find a place that showed potential, seabirds everywhere, Gannets, Gulls, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Arctic Terns, Skuas, Puff

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind had dropped down and the weather was quite nice. We started our tour by visit the Puffin island. And again lots of Puffins around the island. Then we headed out to Faxaflói. After sailing for about 7 minutes we spotted one Minke whale. It was the same whale we spott

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    Tour at 17:00

    We sailed out in beautiful weather, calm sea and sunshine from time to time creating beautiful light on the mountains around Reykjavík. We started the tour by sailing straight out to Faxaflói and had to search for a long time before we suddenly spotted a Minke Whale surfacin

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    Tour at 20:30

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    Tour at 17:00

    We headed straight out and it got a bit more rougher out at the bay. We looked for Whales and saw many Puffins when we saw a blow far away and headed in the direction but we couldn´t find the whale. So we headed on and found anothe

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    Tour at 20:30

    Under near perfect weather conditions we left the harbour to first visit Akurey, one of the two puffin colonies.  After a short stay there we headed out and it was not long before we spoted several Minke Whales.  We stayed with them for some time, however they did not seem t

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    Tour at 20:30



    Tour at 17:00

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    Tour at 14:00

    There were so many puffins in the Island today, flying around the island in a big circle. We sailed out to Faxaflói bay were we spotted around 4 minke whales. Some of them were very goo

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    Tour at 20.30

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    Tour at 17:00

    Still very good weather, when we headed out again this afternoon. After sailing for some time we spotted one Minke whale. It was a very nice whale. It surfaced many times and we spent quite some time with the whale until it took a

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    Tour at 20:30

    We began sailing out to the puffin island Akurey where we could see the puffins flying around the boat and paddling on the sea. We then headed out to look for the whales and the sea was much more rough than we had expected. We sailed out quite far and encountered a small gro

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    Tour at 20:30

    This evening the sky was cloudy and pouring rain but the sea was calm and the searching conditions were good. After our stop in puffin island Akurey we headed out on Faxaflói bay and searched for whales. We sailed for a long time without spotting any whales. There were some

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    Tour at 20:30

    Cancelled due to rough weather.


    Tour at 17:00

    Cancelled due to rough weather.


    Tour at 14:00

    On this tour we saw many birds out at see like the gannets, kittiwakes, fulmars, skuas, seagulls, eider ducks and puffins. It was very inte