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Whale diary

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    Tour at 17:00

    We started the tour at Akurey to visit the puffins. Then we headed out on Faxaflói to look for the whales. The search was not difficult as they had not travelled far since our last tour. The minke whales behaved much like earlier today, and they were just as many. Another go

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    Tour at 17:00

    We sailed out again and we had to go a bit further out than this morning. Whales moved a bit more offshore but at the end we spotted them. Many minke whales, then we has two sightings of white-beaked dolphins. Seabirds were really amazing , too.


    Tour 13:00

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind went down again so the sea was nice and calm and still very sunny. We sailed to a similar area as earlier today and the Minke whales were still out there. We spotted 8-10 Minke whales throughout the tour usually 2-3 in each area where we stopped. They were calmer th

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    Tour 17:00

    Still pretty rough out there this afternoon and we had a bit of a bumpy ride. In spite of the waves, we were able to spot a few Minke whales in one area, often surfacing about 100m away but sometimes quite close to the boat! Again lots of Gannets around as well as all the other

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather was not perfect, but better than in the previous tours ;-) Still a bit rough but we headed out on Faxaflói none the less and got our best sightings of the day! We found a really good area with large flocks of feeding birds and were lucky to get a good look at a c

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind had picked up a little bit but the conditions were still nice out on the bay. This evening there were almost no seabirds out on the bay and we weren't as lucky as in the previous tours. The food wasn't close to the surface but located deeper so the sightings weren't

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    Tour 17:00

    Very nice tour, still covered a bit since it was drizzling but the whales were really nice and they came close at least a couple of them. One in particular, a Minke whale surfaced less than 30 meter at 12 and we could even see the side flippers and the white band on them. Very

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    Tour 17:00

    Cancelled due to bad weather and sea conditions


    Tour 13:00

    Report from Elding: We started the trip at Akurey (puffin island) where we could see quite a few birds. We then headed out onto the bay and were able to spot many big groups of feeding birds. Towar

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    Tour at 17:00

    In this trip we had the best weather conditions and the visibility was perfect.  We could see all the beautiful mountains in the distance and the sky was dramatic. We spotted few minke whales but they were quite shy individuals, didn´t show a lot of their bodies and didn´t w

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind had calmed down a little and the sun was shining this evening out on the bay. The whales were easier to observe on this tour than at 13 o'clock, they were many in the area and surfacing close to the boat with shallow dives in between. We got several good sightings c

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    Tour at 17:00

    Tour cancelled due to worsening weather conditions!


    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Elding: Again the sea was pretty rough but we decided to take some brave passengers out to look for the whales. We headed to the same area as we were in this morning and aga

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind had picked up quite a lot and the sea was a bit more rough than on the previous two tours. We had to sail quite far to find the whales but spotted 4-6 Minke whales, 1 or 2 of which we could spot within 30m of the boat! A nice trip in spite of the worsening weather!

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind had picked up a little bit and the sea was choppy out on the bay. We were however lucky again and found an area with many feeding birds and many minke whales that surfaced all around the boat, both close to us and far away. We had one particularly good sighting when

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    Tour at 17:00

    It was still windy out on the bay this evening. We started out in Akurey, the puffin island, but there were not many puffins there for some reason. When we got out on the bay we were very lucky and found an area with many feeding birds, both gannets and other sea birds, and

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    Tour 17:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: The wind went down a lot, light conditions were really good with calm sea. We sailed first to Akurey then to the whales. We spotted several Minke whales, slowly surfacing and at the very end they showed up very close to the boat. Report from Elding: Anothe

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    Tour 17:00

    Another good day out there. Minke whales were so many we didn't know where to look. In fact, every time we stopped we had an average of 4 individuals. Ganntes were actively feeding as well, dropping down fast into the sea!


    Tour 13:00

    Still very good weathe

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    Tour at 17:00

    Again the sea was lovely and calm and the weather was great. We found two great areas out on the bay where there were lots of feeding birds and very many Minke whales. We were able to switch off the engines for quite a long time and just listen to the wildlife out there! Aft

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather was better now than this morning, but still a bit windy. We didn't have to sail as far out as then and we found an area with many feeding seabirds and several feeding minkes. They were surfacing all around, but many of them deep dived and were hard to spot again.

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    Tour at 17:00

    On this tour the wind was stronger than at 13:00, but the sun was still shining and we sailed out on the bay in high spirits. We saw a couple of minke whales, some of them difficult like this morning but some of them we could see very well. Then we spotted a big blow. A hump

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    Tour 17:00

    Tour has been cancelled due to bad sea conditions.


    Tour 13:00

    The wind picked up quite much this afternoon, so we try to sail out and we had puffins on the island and then we head to the feeding ground where we try to look for whales in many different pl