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Whale diary

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    Tour 17:00

    It was a very nice tour out there. The see was rather rough but there were many whales out there. We started with few sightings of Minke whales, feeding always spotted in the vicinity of large flock of feeding birds. Gannets were many and actively feeding it was really spectacu

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    Tour at 17:00

    Again we found the Humpback whale which was always close to the boat, often coming up and rolling about. It showed us its flippers a few times and its flukes too!! The whole time that we stayed with this Humpback whale we always had lots of Minke whales around. We also had l

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather was still really nice, it was sunny with clouds and calm sea. This tour was really good! We saw a breaching minke whale, but unfortunately far away from us. We saw the splashes when the whale landed on the surface, and it must have breached about 7 times! We saw

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather had been really nice all day and it continued like that this evening: sunny and calm sea :-) In the beginning of the tour we spotted a couple of minke whales, but we didn't get a real good look at them, they were too far away and dived frequently. Then we headed

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    Tour at 17:00

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    Tour at 13:00

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    Tour at 9:00

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    Tour 17.00

    A very nice weather for this late afternoon tour. In fact the sun came out, the water got clear and transparent was the colour. Ideal to spot whales! We in fact, had plenty of Minkes, some actively feeding and even a couple of Habour porpoise and a group of 4 White-beaked dolph

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    Tour at 17:00

    We spotted three species in this tour as well, minke whales, dolphins and harbour porpoises. The dolphins weren't as active as in the 13 o'clock tour but they were still nice, they came quite close to us and we could observe them feeding for a while. We also saw nice minke w

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    Tour at 17:00

    An exciting tour! The guide was halfway through describing "the clock system" (the first thing we do when we get out on the bay) when we spotted a breaching minke whale! It breached several times in a row (4-5 times, maybe 6) and we got a good look at its white belly. It is

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    Tour 17:00

    Another very good tour, clear water and calm sea. Minke whales were still the more numerous out there, possible to follow them underwater even and then dolphins present with a group of at least 6 individuals were nicely surfacing close to our boat.


    Tour 13.00

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    Tour at 17:00

    A really nice sunny tour! We spotted a few Harbour Porpoises twice throughout the trip, once one even came and swam just a couple of metres from the boat and we could see it just under the surface!! We were able to observe 2 Minke whales very well and spotted one or two in a

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind had picked up a little bit but we were still able to spot a few Minke whales although they were a bit more tricky to follow than earlier today. We saw a big blow but didn't have time to search for the big whale that made it, unfortunately. Nevertheless, a good tour.

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    Tour at 17:00

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    Tour at 13:00

    The ocean had the same wonderful colour like this morning and we found the whales again at the same area like this morning! Again we had a wonderful tour with many minke whales. We sailed between the whales and got several clo

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    Tour at 17:00

    We started our tour in Lundey, one of the two puffin islands, where we saw many cute puffins! When we sailed further out on the bay it took us some time to find minke whales that were easy to observe. The first couple of whales we spotted were diving a lot, staying under the

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    Tour 17:00

    A great tour with some beautiful weather! We stopped at Lundey (puffin island) and saw quite a few puffins and some other sea birds around the island. We sailed out on to Faxaflói and were able to observe about 6-8 Minke whales feeding around us, a couple of them very close to

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    Tour 17:00

    Lovely tour, sea flat and calm, excellent light conditions. We had the Puffins first, Akurey, and then we sailed further out. We had at least 5 Minke whales, and one of them was so close, less than 30 meters, it was really amazing to have such a big whale so close.


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    Tour at 17:00

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    Tour at 13:00

    Elding: Even earlier than this morning we spotted close ashore a particularly nice minke whale. It travelled several kilometres out into Faxaflói bay while we watched it. We sailed slowly with it and it didn't pay us very much

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather was still great this evening, calm sea and evening sun. At first the whales we spotted weren't very approachable. They deep dived a lot and stayed under the surface for a long time. When we sailed further out to a more shallow area we found minke whales that were

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    Tour at 17:00

    Once we got to the whale area we spotted some minke whales, but they were difficult to follow as they were deep-diving for a long time. We continued to sail out and spotted a few more on the way but still not very well. Later on the tour we spotted a playful group of white-b

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    Tour 17:00

    Last tour, good sea conditions out in faxafloi bay. Minke whales still the more numerous whales spotted. We sailed to many flocks of birds and underneath the birds we saw a Minke whale going in feeding strike, fast speeding up and englpu-ing a large quantity of water with fish.

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    Tour 17:00

    It was very good light conditions, clear sky and almost no wind on the way. Sometimes just a bit bumby going against the wind. Minke whales were out there and especially we had a juvanile which surfaced very close to the boat at the end of the tour. very nice!

