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Whale diary

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    Tour at 17:00

    No data


    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was still very good and the sun was shining, too. We spotted one nice minke whale and stayed with it for some while. We suddenly spotted a splash in the distance and went there. On the way there we spotted some more min

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather conditions were similar as in the morning. We headed to the same area as in the tour at 13:00 and were greatly rewarded! We spotted two humpback whales!  The first one was a bit smaller, maybe a juvenile, and the second one was very active. It breached two times

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    Tour at 17:00

    We sailed from Reykjavík this afternoon in spite of the weather conditions. Western winds create swell in the bay, which means that there are some deep heavy waves coming towards us as we are sailing out. Our passengers braved the conditions and it paid off! We found a big g

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    Tour 17:00

    A bit windy and rainy during t our late afternoon tour. We sailed out to the Puffins, quite many all day on the Island and then out to spot whales. We cheched a lot of different places in search for whales and what we spotted was mainly large flock of feeding gannets, artic sku

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    Tour 17:00

    Quite windy still out there on the bay but we set off again. We found hundreds of birds out on the bay, many Kittiwakes, some Arctic Terns, Puffins, Fulmars and Gulls. We spotted one Minke whale several times before we set off towards Reykjavík again. Quite an adventurous day o

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather was similar as it was at noon. In the beginning of the trip the crew noticed big splashes in the distance. We were very excited and hoped to be able to approach what we believed to be a breaching whale. We saw the splashes several times, but unfortunately the ani

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    Tour at 17:00

    Data missing


    Tour at 13:00

    This time the passengers had to show a bit more patience because the whales moved further out into Faxaflói bay. But in the end we found two minke whales, one of which was a calf. We were able to spend some time with them and

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    Tour at 17:00

    Tour cancelled due to unfavourable weather condisions.


    Tour 13:00

    Still quite windy and overcast but we managed to sailed out in Faxafloi bay, where we spotted still a lot of feeding flocks of Artic terns, which went back after few days of absebce and

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind had picked up quite a lot and it was a bit difficult to find the whales but we were briefly able to spot two Minke whales as well as a third which was breaching in the distance (still!!!). There were a lot of puffins in the island this evening :)



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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather was really wonderful on this tour. After a day of rain it cleared up around five o'clock and we sailed out on the bay in sunshine and dry weather. The sea was also really calm so it was a fantastic evening :-) We spotted a group of harbour porpoises really close

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    Tour 17:00

    No more rain, sea flat and calm and Minke whales around, a few Puffins puddling around and still the Humpback whale spotted. This time the whale was calm surfacing, and deep diving very close showing the large fluke out of the water.


    Tour 13:00

    Another nic

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    Tour 17:00

    We sailing out in Faxafloi bay, wind went down and the sea was very flat. We had another unique tour fowlowing a Humpback whale, the fourth animals during the same day. It was sometimes so close that we coudn't believe it. Once it even stopped at 5 o' clock resting under the su

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    Trip at 17:00

    An amazing tour this late afternoon. We had very active fedding Minke whales. First we stopped close to an area with two large flocks of feeding birds and we could see a rolling minke whale showing the fluke out of the water then another one jumped in a lunge feeding strike. T

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    Tour 17:00

    We had some excellent weather this afternoon, nice calm sea and a little bit of sunshine. We didn't find it hard to find the Minke whales again, and we followed about 5 Minke whales quite closely. We spotted a small group of Harbour Porpoises just a couple of times but I'm not

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    Tour 17:00

    We had very nice weather for this late afetrnoon tour. Almost no wind, very soft light conditions and almost no other boats out at sea. Just us and the whales. We had in fact a very good chance today to approach several Minke whales. We had four main sightings, with 3 different

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    Tour at 17:00

    Third tour of the day and a fantastic one too! :-) We spotted several minke whales not far out on the bay and were enjoying those sightings when we spotted a big blow in the distance - the humpback whale! We sailed towards it and it was a joy to watch. It showed its fluke be

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    Tour at 17:00

    We set off in the pouring rain here from Reykjavík harbour, and went first to see the puffins in Akurey. After sailing for just 10 minutes from the island we spotted the first Minke whale!! This whale was very close to shore, and soon after this encounter we spotted some Har

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    Tour at 17:00

    Unfortunately we didn't spot any whales, dolphins or porpoises on this tour. We sailed far out on the bay and saw several areas with many flocks of feeding seabirds (which is usually a very good sign) but no whales were seen :-(


    Tour at 13:00

    Report fro

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    Tour at 17:00

    Unfortunately we weren't as lucky as our previous trips. We only spotted a harbour porpoise once, but hardly anyone saw it :(  We hope our passengers can join us for a complimentary tour as soon as possible!!


    Tour at 13:00

    On this afternoontour the whal

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    Tour at 17:00

    The sea was still nice and calm like in the morning and it was lovely to sail out on the bay this evening. Like in the previous tours we had to sail far out on the bay, but it certainly paid of! We spotted a minke whale and it was very approachable :-) It came up to the surf